Buying and Selling of Information

Ok so take this into consideration, you tell somebody your bank account information and trust them not to tell anybody else or use it for their own personal gain. Later on you find out without your knowledge that person you trusted with that important information sold it to another person for their personal use and gained a profit for YOUR information, how does that make you feel? Personally I would be crazy mad for starters that’s MY bank information, and if I trusted you enough to tell you that in the first place I would feel so betrayed.

Maybe you don’t trust Google enough to do that or give them your credit card number or things like that (which I don’t feel like you should give that type of stuff out online anyway.) Google tracks what you search and you may not think that is a huge deal and it maybe helps provide a better service in which it cuts that down the time it takes you to find what you are looking for. How do you feel about them selling this information to other companies or people? Do you feel good about it? Yeah me either..

Is it a breach of privacy or is it ethical? That is really up to you to choose because what one person thinks is something could be considered something totally different by another person. I do not believe that it is ethical but as a breach of privacy I don’t really see where you could say that. Due to the fact that we as internet users put so much information out there without even thinking about it. Here is a YouTube video to help explain a little better.



“Is It Ethical? Companies and Your Information.” YouTube. YouTube, 30 Oct. 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2017.

Author: iforney

My name is Isaac and i'm doing this blog as part of a class. It is just the thoughts of a former athlete turned ref.

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