Are There any Safe Alternative Search Engines?

The short answer is yes, there are plenty of other safe search engine alternatives that don’t track you. Before listing off the other websites, it’s important to know what you are looking for. With Google, you are getting more than just a search engine. You get Google Maps, Docs, Drive, Gmail, and dozens of other useful tools. If you don’t care about any of those services and only use Google as a search engine, using one of these other websites might be a good idea. Of course, you can use Google’s other services AND use alternative search engines, but if you are looking for 100% privacy, using Google at all probably isn’t the best idea.

A screenshot of Google’s search result for “New York Times”



DuckDuckGo is a search engine whose motto is “The search engine that doesn’t track you.” That’s a bold claim in the internet age, but they live up to it. They say that they don’t ever store any personal information or search history. As a result, they also don’t annoy you with ads every time you search for something. For those of you (like me) that enjoy using Google, DuckDuckGo has a very similar interface to Google. A simple search of New York Times gave me a similar look and results. Instead of predict what you search for, DuckDuckGo might give you a bevy of recent news stories relating to what you searched.

A screenshot of DuckDuckGo’s search results, which looks similar to Google.


Ixquick is basically a search engine that incorporates results from other search engines except Google and Yahoo. Ixquick does not sell any of your information to third parties because they do not collect any information to begin with. Many search engines collect your device’s IP address or use tracking cookies, but not Ixquick. The search results page certainly doesn’t look sexy, but there’s no doubt security is the top priority at Ixquick.

Front page of


Startpage (hyperlink) is run by the same company that runs Ixquick. The difference between the two websites is that Smartpage includes results from Google. Google sees searches coming from Startpage, but Google cannot track those searches to any specific person or IP address. Startpage is essentially a middleman between you and Google. Much like DuckDuckGo and Ixquit, they do not gather any IP addresses or cookies and do not sell any information to third parties.

Screenshot of Startpage’s search results



If you know what to look for and have a basic understanding of search engines, using an alternative search engine is just as simple as using Google. They aren’t as mainstream or popular, but nobody ever said not using Google isn’t “sexy enough.” If you truly value your privacy and safety, it’s wise to look into DuckDuckGo, Ixquick, and Startpage. Be careful what you share on the internet, because in all likelihood, someone is watching.


Works Cited

Hoffman, Chris. “5 Alternative Search Engines That Respect Your Privacy.” HowTo Geek RSS. How-To Geek, n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2017.

Sentance, Rebecca. “Home.” Going over to the Duck Side a Week Using DuckDuckGo Comments. Search Engine Watch, 28 Apr. 2016. Web. 08 Feb. 2017.

White, Benjamin. “”3 Secure and Safe Search Engines You Need to Know About”.” Betternet. Betternet, 26 Dec. 2015. Web. 06 Feb. 2017.